Page 295 - Darwinism Refuted
P. 295

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

             to feed the tadpoles for six weeks. The time of birth is arrangedperfectly,
             as well. The oesophagus of the female frog dilates during birth, like the
             dilation in mammals during delivery. Once the young have emerged, the
             oesophagus and the stomach both return to normal, and the female starts
             feeding again. 356
                 The miraculous reproduction system of Rheobatrachus silus explicitly
             invalidates the theory of evolution, since the whole system is irreducibly
             complex. Every step has to take place fully in order for the frogs to
             survive. The mother has to swallow the eggs, and has to stop feeding
             completely for six weeks. The eggs have to release a hormonelike
             substance to neutralize stomach acids. The addition of the extra protein-
             rich yolk to the egg is another necessity. The widening of the female's
             oesophagus cannot be coincidental. If all these things failed to happen in
             the requisite sequence, the froglets would not survive, and the species
             would face extinction.
                 Therefore, this system cannot have developed step-by-step, as
             asserted by the theory of evolution. The species has existed with this entire
             system intact since its first member came into existence. Another way of
             putting it is, they were created.


                 In this section we have only examined a few examples of the concept
             of irreducible complexity. In fact, most organs and systems in living things
             possess the feature. On the biochemical level in particular, systems
             function by the working together of a number of independent parts, and
             cannot by any means be reduced to further simplicity. This fact invalidates
             Darwinism, which tries to account for the marvelous features of life by
             coincidental processes. Darwin said that "if it could be demonstrated that
             any complex organ existed, which could not possibly have been formed by
             numerous, successive, slight modifications, my theory would absolutely
             break down." Today, modern biology has revealed countless examples of
             this. One can only conclude, then, that Darwinism has "absolutely" broken

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