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185 David Pilbeam, "Rearranging Our Family Nature, vol. 292, 1981, pp. 117.
Tree," Human Nature, June 1978, p. 40. 195 C. L. Brace, H. Nelson, N. Korn, M. L. Brace,
186 C. C. Swisher III, W. J. Rink, S. C. Antón, H. Atlas of Human Evolution, 2. b., Rinehart and
P. Schwarcz, G. H. Curtis, A. Suprijo, Wilson, New York, 1979.
Widiasmoro, "Latest Homo erectus of Java: 196 Alan Walker and Richard E.F. Leakey, "The
Potential Contemporaneity with Homo sapiens Hominids of East Turkana", Scientific
in Southeast Asia," Science, Volume 274, American, vol. 239 (2), August 1978, p. 54.
Number 5294, Issue of 13 Dec 1996, pp. 1870- 197 Bernard Wood, Mark Collard, "The Human
1874; also see, Jeffrey Kluger, "Not So Extinct Genus," Science, vol. 284, No 5411, 2 April 1999,
After All: The Primitive Homo Erectus May pp. 65-71.
Have Survived Long Enough To Coexist With 198 Marvin Lubenow, Bones of Contention: a
Modern Humans, Time, December 23, 1996 creationist assessment of the human fossils,
187 Solly Zuckerman, Beyond The Ivory Tower, Baker Books, 1992, p. 83.
Toplinger Publications, New York, 1970, pp. 75- 199 Boyce Rensberger, Washington Post, 19
94. October 1984, p. A11.
188 Charles E. Oxnard, "The Place of 200 Richard Leakey, The Making of Mankind,
Australopithecines in Human Evolution: Sphere Books, London, 1981, p. 116.
Grounds for Doubt," Nature, vol. 258, 4 201 Marvin Lubenow, Bones of Contention: a
December 1975, p. 389. creationist assessment of the human fossils,
189 Isabelle Bourdial, "Adieu Lucy," Science et Baker Books, 1992. p. 136.
Vie, May 1999, no. 980, pp. 52-62. (emphasis 202 Pat Shipman, "Doubting Dmanisi,"
added) American Scientist, November- December
190 Holly Smith, American Journal of Physical 2000, p. 491
Antropology, vol. 94, 1994, pp. 307-325. 203 Erik Trinkaus, "Hard Times Among the
(emphasis added) Neanderthals," Natural History, vol. 87,
191 Fred Spoor, Bernard Wood & Frans December 1978, p. 10; R. L. Holloway, "The
Zonneveld, "Implications of Early Hominid Neanderthal Brain: What Was Primitive,"
Labyrinthine Morphology for Evolution of American Journal of Physical Anthropology
Human Bipedal Locomotion," Nature, vol 369, Supplement, vol. 12, 1991, p. 94. (emphasis
23 June 1994, p. 645 added)
192 Fred Spoor, Bernard Wood & Frans 204 "Neandertals Lived Harmoniously," The
Zonneveld, "Implications of Early Hominid AAAS Science News Service, April 3, 1997.
Labyrinthine Morphology for Evolution of 205 Ralph Solecki, Shanidar, The First Flower
Human Bipedal Locomotion," Nature, vol 369, People, Knopf, New York, 1971, p. 196; Paul G.
23 June 1994, p. 648 Bahn and Jean Vertut, Images in the Ice,
193 Tim Bromage, "Faces From the Past," New Windward, Leichester, 1988, p. 72.
Scientist, vol. 133, issue 1803, 11 January 1992, 206 D. Johanson, B. Edgar, From Lucy to
p. 41. (emphasis added) Language, p. 99.
194 J. E. Cronin, N. T. Boaz, C. B. Stringer, Y. 207 S. L. Kuhn, "Subsistence, Technology, and
Rak, "Tempo and Mode in Hominid Evolution," Adaptive Variation in Middle Paleolithic Italy,"