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311 Behe's Seminar in Princeton, 1997 325 D. Lloyd, The Mitochondria of
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316 Elizabeth Pennisi, "Haeckel's Embryos: 330 Milani, Bradshaw, Biological Science, A
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317 Elizabeth Pennisi, "Haeckel's Embryos: 331 David Attenborough, Life on Earth,
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318 Elizabeth Pennisi, "Haeckel's Embryos: 332 Prof. Dr. Ali Demirsoy, Kal?t?m ve Evrim
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319 Mahlon B. Hoagland, The Roots of Life, 333 Hoimar Von Ditfurth, Im Amfang War Der
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Robert J. Ferl, Biology, The Science of Life, 335 Hoimar Von Ditfurth, Im Amfang War Der
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