Page 467 - Sayın Adnan Oktar ve Arkadaşlarımıza İsnat Edilen Suçlamalar ve Cevapları
P. 467

Architects in nature                           Hazrat Hassan (pbuh)

                 Are natural disasters a precursor of the end   Hazrat Hussain (Pbuh)
                                                                Hazrat Mahdi (as) and the end times I
                 Arrogance: The character of Satan
                                                                Hazrat Mahdi’s (as) struggle and the difficul-
                 Behind the scenes of the world wars          ties he will face -1-

                                                                Hazrat Mahdi’s (as) struggle and the difficul-
                 Biomimetics: Technology imitates nature      ties he will face -2-

                                                                How Did Life Begin?
                 Carbon: The miraculous element
                                                                Idealism the philosophy of the matrix and the
                 Creation Of The Universe - 1                 true nature of matter

                 Deep thinking                                  Idealism the philosophy of the matrix and the
                                                              true nature of matter
                 Every moment, every second
                                                                In the name of Allah all Merciful, most Merci-
                                                              ful part 2
                 Evidence for the true faith in historical sour-
               ces (subtitled)                                  Islam denounces terrorism

                 Excerpts from Mr. Adnan Oktar’s interviews     Islam: The light illuminating the world
               on the Turkish-Islamic Union II

                 False evidences of evolution - 2 (subtitled)    Jerusalem: The city of prophets (subtitled)

                 False proofs of evolution (1st part)           Jesus (as) will return

                 False proofs of evolution (2nd part)           Knowing our Lord - for children 12

                 For men of understanding - II (luminescent     Let’s get to know our Prophets - for children
               creatures, spider, camel)                      11

                 For men of understanding - III (camouflage in   Letters from our Prophet (saas) communica-
               the nature)                                    ting Islam (subtitled)

                 For men of understanding -I (honeybee, sal-    Life in the Soil
               mon, monarch butterfly, dragonfly)
                                                                Life in the seas - for children 5
                 Fossils have discredited evolution
                                                                Living fossils
                 God’s blessing of technology
                                                                Looking through the eyes of wisdom
                 Harmony on Earth

                 Harun Yahya introduction                       Love and cooperation in living things

                 Hazrat Ali (ra) (599 -661)

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