Page 468 - Sayın Adnan Oktar ve Arkadaşlarımıza İsnat Edilen Suçlamalar ve Cevapları
P. 468


                 Love of Allah                                  Only love can defeat terrorism

                 Magnificence everywhere                        Ottoman Sultans’ Love for The Prophet Mu-
                                                              hammad (saas)
                 Makkah, the mother of cities, and the holy site
               of the Kaaba                                     Our cute friends - for children 2

                 Maryam                                         Oxygen, our source of life

                 Medicine of the Prophet (saas)                 Paradise in the words of the prophet (saas)
                 Miracle in the Plant Leaves
                                                                Paradise in the words of the prophet (saas)
                 Miracles of the Qur’an - 03
                 Miracles of the Qur’an - 04
                                                                Perfect  creation  in  the  universe  is  not  by
                 Miracles of the Qur’an - 1                   chance

                 Miracles of the Qur’an - 2                     Perished nations -1

                 Miracles of the brain: Smell and taste         Perished nations -2

                                                                Prayer in the Qur’an
                 Morality of Muslims
                                                                Prophet Abraham (as) and Prophet Lot (as)
                 Mother’s love and solidarity - for children 6

                                                                Prophet Moses (pbuh) and the Ark of the Co-
                 Mr.  Adnan  Oktar’s  Views  On  The  People  Of   venant
               The Book 1
                                                                Prophet Noah (pbuh)
                 Mr.  Adnan  Oktar’s  excerpts  from  his  inter-
                                                                Prophet Sulayman (pbuh)
               views about hell
                                                                Religions condemn terrorism (subtitled)
                 Mr.  Adnan  Oktar’s  excerpts  from  his  inter-

               views about hypocrites
                                                                Science research foundation - introduction
                 Mr.  Adnan  Oktar’s  statements  on  paradise

               from his interviews - 2
                                                                Secrets of the deep
                 Mr.  Adnan  Oktar’s  statements  on  paradise
               from his interviews - 3                          Seeing the clear proofs of Allah’s existence

                 Mr. Adnan Oktar’s views on love of Allah
                                                                Signs leading to faith from Mr. Oktar’s inter-
                 Muslims’ three sacred mosques
                 Names of Allah -3-
                                                                Solution: the values of the Qur’an
                 Never forget
                                                                Some statements of Adnan Oktar on the reli-
                 One of the finest of blessings is ‘giving thanks   gion of ignorance - 2
               to Allah’

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