Page 32 - Terrorism: The Ritual of the Devil
P. 32
worship Me" (Qur'an, 51: 56) Human beings are tested in this life, and
if they fail to fulfill their responsibilities, they will be held to account
for it. Some of these responsibilities are set out in the following verse:
They were only ordered to worship only God, making their reli-
gion sincerely His as people of pure natural belief, and to attend
their prayers (salat) and give alms (zakat)—surely the correct.reli-
gion (Qur'an, 98: 5)
The true religion is the religion of God, yet, as a result of the indoc-
trination that people are subjected to, many people are turned away
from it. Someone who has gone through the various phases of the Social
Darwinist education is presented with very few alternatives. His view of
life and mankind is shaped in the light of materialist-Darwinist thought.
He will then struggle for only himself and to defend his own interests,
will usually see violence, oppression and deception as the only means of
doing so, and will be driven from transgression to transgression, lost in
the nightmare of atheism. What is more, there will be nothing to prevent