Page 27 - Terrorism: The Ritual of the Devil
P. 27

                                         The Antichrist

            ings is reinforced by entirely unscientific theories, which are neverthe-
            less portrayed as sanctioned by science, along the lines of "the ancestors
            of man were animals, for which reason the relationships between ani-
            mals also apply to those between people." In this way, the child begins
            to learn the lie that there is a constant state of conflict between individu-
            als and in society, that the weak ought to be eliminated, and that he
            needs to behave in that manner in order to survive. According to this

            principle, the most essential lesson, and the one that must never be for-
            gotten, is that force, violence and deception can be employed, if neces-
            sary, in order to survive.
                 Such indoctrination is not restricted to the educational system. The
            child continues to receive intensive Social Darwinist indoctrination in the
            lyrics of the songs he listens to, the films he watches, in advertisements,
            videos, and even the computer games he plays, in short, in every sphere
            of his life. As a result of this intensive indoctrination, he builds his rela-
            tionships with others on a materialistic foundation. That, in turn, means

            that ruthlessness, selfishness, self-interest and deceit come to dominate
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