Page 25 - Terrorism: The Ritual of the Devil
P. 25
The Antichrist
were instructed by their own parents or their teachers with the same
answers. They had constantly been exposed to the indoctrination
denying the existence of God, in schools, newspapers and on the televi-
sion. That deception has over time become part of their basic outlook.
What is more, this indoctrination has led to such a mindset in peo-
ple that, despite the myriad miracles in creation, they have become
used to ignoring what they see with their own eyes and recognize with
their conscience. In actual fact, the whole situation is itself another mir-
acle of creation. The fact that people deny so many miracles that can
clearly be seen with their own eyes is a miracle, revealed to us in the
Qur'an. In the following verse, God reveals how some people will con-
tinue to deny all the various miracles they are made to witness:
Even if We sent down angels to them, and the dead spoke to them,
and We gathered together everything in front of them right before
their eyes, they would still not believe unless God willed. The truth
is that most of them are ignorant. (Qur'an, 6: 111)
The kind of ideas with which these
people educate their children is in ac-
cordance with the religion of the
Antichrist, as it is the one they them-
selves believe in. That is how a great