Page 22 - Terrorism: The Ritual of the Devil
P. 22


                                 TERRORISM: THE RITUAL OF THE DEVIL

              the world, and even engineers, doctors, professors, academics, artists
              and statesmen, in short everyone in the world, had come about of their
              own accord as the result of chance. To put it another way, such a person
              believes that everything he sees is the result of chance. That means that
              "chance" is that person's god. Yet on careful inspection, that so-called
              god is one with no power of reason at all, and thus the most unintelli-
              gent god imaginable. That "god" is unaware of even its own existence,

              as well of that of what it has brought into being.
                   In one hadith regarding the Antichrist, the Prophet Muhammad
              (pbuh) said, "Ad-Dajjal is blind." Some Islamic scholars have inter-
              preted that hadith to mean "The eye of the Antichrist's heart is blind." 7
              That interpretation helps us to better understand the facts we just men-
              tioned. In the same way, the eye of the heart of someone who makes a
              god out of blind chance is also blind, as is the eye of his reason. Such
              people immediately object when it is suggested that "God created the
              whole universe with superior intelligence, order and design." Yet when

              it is suggested that "Everything is the result of blind chance," they find
              that completely logical. Instead of an intelligent and conscious creator,
              they prefer the totally unreasonable idea that blind chance, lacking all
              intelligence and creative ability, created everything out of anarchy and
              chaos. Therefore, Darwinism is the most illogical and superstitious re-
              ligion in the history of the world. Another surprising fact is the way in
              which a number of highly educated people adopt it as their religion,

              even though it is clearly false. Professors, politicians, teachers, lawyers
              and even doctors allow themselves to believe in this nonsense. This
              shows to what extent the ideas of the Antichrist entrance people like a
              magic spell.
                   So, just what is it that leads certain people to believe such an irra-
              tional and illogical claim, and to even fiercely defend it?
                   What we are dealing with here is an intensive propaganda cam-
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