Page 18 - Terrorism: The Ritual of the Devil
P. 18
The clearest and most important feature of the strife of the end times
that the Antichrist gives rise to is the fact that it is opposed to religion.
Various humanist views and values that will emerge at that time will
attempt to replace religion. This new religion takes denial as its basis
in order to do away with all forms of divine rule over man … It is an
anti-religious religion whose basic deity is matter and man 5
The humanist views mentioned in the above quote have today ac-
tually taken on the aspects of a religion. Modern humanism is an athe-
istic religion in which the existence of God is denied, and man is
regarded as a sacred being to be venerated. When one examines the
publications of humanists, it is clear that their world view is entirely
based on the theory of evolution. (For further details, see Global
Freemasonry, by Harun Yahya, Istanbul, 2002)
Blind chance is the central premise employed in Darwinism for
maintaining that life came about out of inanimate matter and devel-
oped by means of an evolutionary process. According to this deceptive
ideology, all living species began from one single cell that came about
by chance, in other words from one common ancestor, and then
evolved from one another over time by means of minute changes,
again by pure coincidence. The theory lacks any scientific or rational
basis, is nothing but a fantasy, and was widely accepted in Darwin's
day on account of the primitive level of science and the sociological
conditions at the time. However, as science and technology progressed
it was realized that the theory was actually complete nonsense. Yet, de-
spite that, there are still people today who are unable to abandon the
The theory of evolution maintains that life is the product of chance, and that it
emerged from inanimate matter, as a result of natural causes during the early days of
this world—as depicted in the illustration opposite—and that, again as the result of
coincidence, evolved into the flawless living things we see around us today. The idea
is so totally illogical as to be unacceptable to any rational person.