Page 14 - Terrorism: The Ritual of the Devil
P. 14


                             ajjal is an Arabic word with various meanings, such as

                             "a liar and imposter, someone who lies, covers the earth
                             with his followers, and covers the truth by disbelief." In
               many of the hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) which discuss
               the matter of end times, it is repeated as one of the most important
               signs of the doomsday. The present state of the world bears many sim-
               ilarities to that time as described by the Prophet. In the hadiths, that pe-
               riod appears as one in which fitnah (chaos and wickedness), anarchy
               and violence will spread far and wide, when there will be no peace in
               the world, when people will battle evils such as hunger, poverty and

               shortages, and when oppression will prevail. (for details, see The Signs
               of The Last Day, Harun Yahya, 2001). The Antichrist is the ideological in-
               frastructure which causes that chaos and instability, that encourages
               people to immorality and evil, condemns whole communities to denial
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