Page 10 - Terrorism: The Ritual of the Devil
P. 10
hroughout their entire lives, everyone is at war with
an enemy, the extent of whose strength and influence
they perhaps fail to fully comprehend. The main fea-
ture of this enemy is subtlety. He constantly invites mankind to commit
evil, and many people he uses without them even being aware of it.
Those who are constantly in conflict with others, who always believe
that violence is the answer, who take pleasure in brutality, murder,
chaos and anarchy, in short, those who harm the peace and security of
the world, have lost the war against this foe, whether they realize it or
not, and have fallen under his control. This most dangerous enemy is
the Devil, described to us in all his aspects by God in the Qur'an. The
Devil is a force who, ever since the time of the Prophet Adam, has been
doing all in his power to turn man away from God. One of the most
common errors people commit is their failure to adequately estimate
the Devil, that one who incites them to wickedness and leads them to