Page 12 - Terrorism: The Ritual of the Devil
P. 12


                                 TERRORISM: THE RITUAL OF THE DEVIL

              of whose most important attributes will be that he disrupts the peace
              and order of mankind. Many people, though, attach little importance
              to that power, known as the Antichrist (Dajjal). That is because, most
              people either have little knowledge of the matter, or have never heard
              of it at all. However, the subject of the Antichrist is very prominent in
              those of the Prophet's hadiths which point out that the last day is ap-
              proaching, and about which a substantial amount of information has
              been provided. The aim of this book is to describe the characteristics of
              the Antichrist, one of the Devil's primary minions on earth, as set out in

              the hadiths, and to allow the reader to acquire more familiarity with
              this Devilish power, of which God's messenger (pbuh) has warned us.
                   From the hadiths, one would ordinarily think of him as an indi-
              vidual. However, as well as an individual, it can also be an ideology
              that tends towards violence and savagery, possesses devilish character-
              istics, and inflicts suffering on mankind. Later chapters of this book
              will treat that aspect, and demonstrate that the Antichrist is a perverted
              ideological movement that has enormous influence in the world. That
              movement holds whole communities under its spell, attracts followers
              despite all its manifest absurdities and errors, and even has its own dif-
              fering sects within it.

                   Another important matter that will be considered in this book is
              the way this movement inspires fear and unease in people, giving rise
              to chaos and anarchy, and destroying peace and security, in order to
              consolidate its hold on the entire world. One of the most frequently
              employed methods that the movement in question resorts to, in order
              to achieve its aims, is acts of violence and terrorism aimed at the inno-
              cent. In other words, terrorism is the most prominent element of the
              way of the Antichrist. That element is employed by the disciples of the
              system, in hysteria and rage, as if it were a holy rite.

                   The wars, conflicts, acts of brutal terrorism, slaughter and acts of
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