Page 24 - Terrorism: The Ritual of the Devil
P. 24


                                 TERRORISM: THE RITUAL OF THE DEVIL

              that the sun rises and sets, how the moon stays up in the sky, and many
              other such things. There is actually only one true answer that can be
              given to a child with respect of all these questions. Yet, people tend to

              offer two types of answers. The first, and correct, answer is that it was
              God that created everything, himself included, and that people are re-
              sponsible to God, who created them from nothing and enables them to
              grow, eat, drink and breathe, and who protects them. God holds the en-
              tire universe under His control, is omnipresent, and sees and hears
                   Some people, however, do not give their children the true answer

              to these questions. They may say that God created everything, but they
              do not go on to say that He is Lord and Ruler of all, and that everything
              happens by His will. Another group mislead their children in an even
              worse manner. They offer the mistaken claim that the entire universe is
              the result of unconscious and blind chance. That is because they in turn
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