Page 58 - Terrorism: The Ritual of the Devil
P. 58


                               e have so far looked at the kind of movement the
                               Antichrist, the greatest purveyor of discord in the

                               days leading up to doomsday, represents, and what
              kind of people are ensnared by it. In this chapter, we shall consider ter-
              rorism, one of the gravest contributors to this strife.
                   Although it is one of the most commonly heard terms in the world
              today, there is still no definition of it that all can agree on. One of the
              main reasons for this is that people who are regarded as terrorists by
              some, are regarded by others as those engaged in a just struggle.

              Whatever the aim may be, it is never possible to regard any group that
              resorts to violence and targets innocent people as just. Individuals or
              societies may desire different things, and these aspirations may be en-
              tirely valid. Yet, violence is not the way to bring them about. Force
              should only be used in self-defense. For that reason, any act of violence
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