Page 59 - Terrorism: The Ritual of the Devil
P. 59
Terrorism: The Rite Of The Antichrist
aimed at innocent people may be regarded as an act of terrorism.
The fundamental strategy of terrorism is the spreading of fear, and
by it to gain influence. Instead of working for their aspirations through
more peaceable and reasonable means, terrorist groups turn to vio-
lence, which they regard is far more effective. According to them, the
more ruthless and destructive an act of terrorism is, the more terrifying
it is, in other words the nearer it will have come to achieving its aim.
One of the most dreadful aspects of terrorism is the fact that it is
devoid of all moral values and recognizes no rules. People who turn to
terrorism lack all love, affection, compassion and tolerance, and are
solely governed by feelings of hatred, anger and revenge.
Unconsciously, such people's intention is to relieve their anger and take
revenge, without considering the result of their actions. The idea of the
damage that their actions might result in causes not the slightest stir-
rings of their conscience. Because, conscience of the kind of person who
regards terrorism as any kind of solution is obstructed, as, therefore,
are his reason, foresight and understanding.
According to the morality of the Qur'an, however, there is no room
for anger. God has revealed that so long as people act in the light of in-
dividual emotions, such as anger, there will be corruption and chaos in
the world. He has therefore commanded us for all time to behave with
a tolerant, peaceful and brotherly spirit. When people abide by that
morality, however, the system of the Antichrist, based as it is in vio-
lence, will completely collapse, terror and anarchy will disappear, and
the climate of chaos that currently prevails in the world will come to an
end. This is how God recommends that morality in one verse;
Make allowances for people, command what is right, and turn
away from the ignorant. (Qur'an, 7: 199)