Page 40 - The Miraculous Machine that Works for an Entire Lifetime: Enzyme
P. 40
Harun Yahya
The substrate that binds to the enzyme's active
site exactly matches the three-dimensional form
of the region it settles on. This perfect artistry
belongs to Allah, Lord of the worlds.
van der Waals force,
electrostatic force and
hydrophobic bonds.
Thanks to such bonds,
the link between the en-
zyme and substrate is strengthened,
reducing the possibility of their separating.
If one of the two colliding molecules is not a substrate of the oth-
er, then the conditions are rather different. Two molecules form a weak
bond between their more or less compatible surfaces, as if they were at-
tempting to join together. The energy released is insignificant. The mo-
ment the enzyme recognizes that it does not have the key to open the
substrate in question, it breaks these weak bonds and rapidly moves
away. This is a most important precaution, preventing incorrect or un-
wanted bonds from forming between incompatible molecules. 19
Enzymes and substrates that fit together also take precautions.
Recent evidence indicates that when an enzyme interacts with the sub-
strate, it may change shape slightly, much as a glove that changes shape
somehow to fit the hand it covers. 20
The structures we have described here as seemingly conscious en-
tities are simply two molecules, with no ability to see, hear, communi-
cate or make any decisions. The abilities they appear to display suc-
cessfully inside the human body actually belong to Allah, Who controls
and supervises them at every moment. No substrate can bind to an en-
zyme unless Allah so wishes it, nor perform the processes that permit
a person's vital functions. An enzyme only locates the component nec-