Page 41 - The Miraculous Machine that Works for an Entire Lifetime: Enzyme
P. 41

Adnan Oktar

             essary for it, matches it and tries various ways of combining with it—

             exhibiting seemingly rational, conscious behavior under the direction
             of Allah.
                  The way that inanimate molecules display such behavior is a great
             miracle. Those unable or unwilling to see the evident miracle here look
             elsewhere by ascribing some extraordinary intelligence to molecules
             themselves, to atoms, or even to chance itself. In fact, however, all sci-
             entific endeavor declares that Allah is the sole Lord of Earth, the sole
             mighty and sublime Creator. Allah creates from nothing and manifests
             His own omniscience in the entities He chooses.

                  Yes, indeed! Everyone in the heavens and everyone on the Earth be-
                  longs to Allah. Those who call on something other than Allah are not
                  really following their partner-deities. They are only following conjec-
                  ture. They are only guessing. (Surah Yunus: 66)

                  What if the key did not fit the lock? What if the enzyme were in
             the correct location, but did not match the substrate? What if the en-
             zyme reached the site of the reaction needing to be accelerated, but then
             passed by the relevant molecules? If because of just such a structural in-
             compatibility, the enzymes necessary to coagulate the blood flowing
             from an open wound failed to perform their duties, then the blood
             would never be able to clot. No reactions essential for cell renewal
             could ever occur, nor could vital processes be maintained at the same
             rate and in the same order. For an enzyme to do what is expected of it,
             it has to recognize the substance—in other words, the substrate—on

             which it has to act and to match it completely. By the will of Allah, there
             is never any such problem in this regard in the living body. Every en-
             zyme recognizes without difficulty the substrate it must react with and,
             since it acts under the inspiration of Allah, never makes a mistake in
             carrying out the process it needs to perform. The key always fits the
             lock; the needed reaction always takes place.

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