Page 55 - The Miraculous Machine that Works for an Entire Lifetime: Enzyme
P. 55
Adnan Oktar
must in some way be stored beforehand. The compound adenosine
triphosphate (ATP for short) works just like a battery to conserve this
energy. 27
Enzyme control is established also by specialized inhibitors enter-
ing the equation. As will be examined in greater detail in due course,
each enzyme has, in turn, its own inhibitor enzyme. These inhibitors es-
tablish an important balance inside the cell that prevents excessive pro-
duction of enzymes.
Enzymes are not active until the need for them becomes felt. One
example of this can be seen in the formation of purine and pyrimidine
bases. Pyrimidines activate purine molecules, and equal quantities of
As reactions take place in the body, numbers and timings are kept under constant con-
trol. The products that emerge as a result are sufficient to meet all the body's require-
ments. Enzymes are synthesized at quite low levels until the cells require them. When
cell demand rises, however, enzyme synthesis increases considerably. It is Allah,
Creator of all things, Who determines the need in the body, controls every single en-
zyme and assgns each one its duty.