Page 51 - The Miraculous Machine that Works for an Entire Lifetime: Enzyme
P. 51
Adnan Oktar
Enzymes function with-
in a completely interde-
pendent system. An en-
zyme merely initiates
an event, before hand-
First stage ing over its task to
Final countless other en-
zymes that become in-
volved. During this se-
ries of reactions,
Reverse effect known as the metabolic
pathway, there is enor-
mous cooperation and
control among different
enzymes. All the en-
zymes in the metabolic
pathway are inspired
with a complete knowl-
edge of their tasks and
timings by Allah.
zyme is necessary in order for another enzyme to initiate its own reac-
tion. When the whole chain has been completed, the final product
emerging is the inhibitor of one of the enzymes that initiated the
chain—in other words, it prevents its operation. In this way, the pro-
duction within the entire chain is balanced. For example, the enzyme
amylase turns starch into maltose, which the enzyme maltase then con-
verts into glucose. Eleven enzymes become involved one after the oth-
er and eventually, glucose is transformed into lactic acid.
Another similar awe-inspiring chain can also be seen in the blood-
clotting process, whose details we shall examine in due course. Thanks
to the features in this metabolic pathway that let enzymes set one an-
other in motion, the system functions with a perfect timing and divi-
sion of labor. Clotting takes place over the wound site in just the right
way. Evolutionists are unable to account for the existence of just one
single enzyme, and have absolutely no way of explaining this entire "ir-
reducibly complex" chain established by a number of interconnected