Page 48 - The Miraculous Machine that Works for an Entire Lifetime: Enzyme
P. 48

Harun Yahya

                    Enzyme                                           Enzyme


               All kinds of activity in the human body take place uninterruptedly and without error as
               a result of an appropriate substrate joining with the correct enzyme. This flawless ac-
               tivity requires an impressive molecular compatibility and constant control. Allah is the
               Creator and maintainer of this perfect system.

                   An enzyme is an irreducibly complex molecule, all of whose com-
               ponents work together and must be present at the same time. When
               you remove any single component, the system will not just suffer mi-

               nor damage but will cease to function. An enzyme has to exist togeth-
               er with all the systems within it, the amino acids, ribosome and all oth-
               er organelles. Neither is it sufficient for it to exist with all its parts; it
               must be present in an environment containing the other molecules with
               which it will react and be suitable to the working conditions of that liv-
               ing environment.
                   This all goes to make the enzyme a complex structure that
               Darwinists are absolutely unable to account for. It is impossible for
               even one single component of this perfect system to develop indepen-
               dently of the others, to wait for the others to come into being, and for
               all the parts that have arisen by chance to combine—again by chance.
                   Moreover, certain enzymes are capable of functioning in different
               organisms with completely different characteristics. An enzyme devoid
               of consciousness and composed of inanimate atoms can assist in the

               human body's cell reproduction and also assist with the process of sight

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