Page 69 - The Miraculous Machine that Works for an Entire Lifetime: Enzyme
P. 69
Adnan Oktar
noesters regulated the molecular cross-talk within cells and the cell sig-
naling pathways. Wolfenden sets out the importance of esters as fol-
We have esters floating around in our cells with all kinds of functions.
Every aspect of cell signaling follows the action of the type of phos-
phatase enzyme that breaks down phosphate monoesters. Other phos-
phatases highlighted in the study for their catalytic power help mobilize
carbohydrates from animal starch and play a role in transmission of hor-
monal signals. 43
Wolfenden went on to express his surprise in the face of this dis-
covery saying that the enzymes they studied in this report were fasci-
nating for they exceeded all other known enzymes in their power as
catalysts and that they had only begun to understand how to speed up
reactions with chemical catalysts, and no one had even come within
shouting distance of producing their catalytic power.
The reaction that would take 1 trillion years in the absence of en-
zymes made Wolfenden, himself an evolutionist, appreciate their as-
tounding quality. This number achieved is an incomprehensible time
period. As Wolfenden explained:
This number puts us way beyond the known universe in terms of slow-
ness. [The enzyme reaction] is 21 orders of magnitude faster than the un-
catalyzed case. And the largest we knew about previously was 18. We've
approached scales than nobody can grasp. 44
If a protein—a combination of several amino acids—can accelerate
a reaction that would last 1 trillion years into just a few milliseconds,
then its significance is truly extraordinary. If everyone in the world can-
not achieve something that a single protein manages, much less fully
understand how this comes about, then there is a perfection here that
they must accept. Only Allah has the power to create this perfection.
In one verse, Allah tells us that He has created all things within an