Page 72 - The Miraculous Machine that Works for an Entire Lifetime: Enzyme
P. 72

Harun Yahya

               proper receptors, or that have docking stations on their surfaces.

               Enzymes, on the other hand, are catalysts. They arrange for chemical
               reactions to be accelerated so that metabolism can take place at a useful
               rate. 45
                   Hormones are very similar, though unlike enzymes, they do not
               constantly enter into and exit from chemical reactions. In addition, hor-
               mones have long-term effects on the organs they reach via the blood-
               stream. For example, if you do become hungry or thirsty while reading
               this book, these sensations are completely hormonal in origin.
               Hormones released from specific regions of the body reach the brain
               and begin setting up a sensation of hunger, making you want to eat.

               (For detailed information, see Harun Yahya, The Miracle of Hormones.)
                   What distinguishes these two proteins, which are almost identical
               in their structure and working conditions? Although they have the
               same characteristics and similar geometrical shapes, proteins manufac-
               tured in the body suddenly begin working as either enzymes or hor-
               mones. The body has no conscious apparatus to determine that one
               should act as a catalyst while the other should transmit messages. All
               the other organs in the body are no different from protein and fats. It is
               impossible for them to have intelligence, be able to plan and share la-
               bor, identify missing components in the metabolism and to engage in
               production accordingly. It is Almighty Allah Who tells the proteins pro-
               duced what to do, how to behave and how to establish communica-

               tions with one another. It is He Who fully knows the body He has cre-
               ated, what takes place in it and the reasons behind its operations. He
               determines the body's needs and how and where these will be satisfied.
               He inspires each with its own task and tells each one how to behave.
               Every structure in the body behaves accordingly. It is His inspirational
               direction that makes enzymes different from hormones.
                   Allah creates whatsoever He wishes out of nothing. Our Lord has
               revealed this fact in a verse:

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