Page 85 - The Miraculous Machine that Works for an Entire Lifetime: Enzyme
P. 85
Adnan Oktar
ATP production and protein synthesis are
two major metabolic reactions. Metabolic
enzymes are responsible for taking over
and performing all these processes.
With the exception of reproductive
cells—which represent only 0.1% of the
body's weight—your body is completely
different from what it was 12 years before.
Over those dozen years, all the cells in
your body have been renewed. Your liver
is not the liver it once was. In the same way
that the blood cells in your circulatory sys-
tem are not the same ones that existed 10
years ago, neither are the veins through
which they flow. Your organs have com-
pletely changed and have been renewed,
with entirely new cells and molecules. This
is of course an astonishing phenomenon.
The most rapid renewal takes place in
the epidermis. Every three months, you are
given a new skin. The rest of your organs
then follow. Over the years, your lungs,
kidneys, stomach and all your other or-
gans change—even your eyes that now
read these lines. The slowest changes take
place in the bone and cartilage. It takes
some 10 years for them to change—yet
these, too, are finally renewed.
For that reason, there is a constant
need for construction in the body. And of
the workers engaged in the construction of