Page 90 - The Miraculous Machine that Works for an Entire Lifetime: Enzyme
P. 90
Harun Yahya
bananas works only on the banana starch. This enzyme cannot digest
the starch in a potato. After you eat a banana, enzymes in the banana
cannot help you digest a slice of cooked meat. Nor can these enzymes
add any extra enzymes to the body. Their task comes to an end with the
digestion of the food in question. An enzyme that enters the body along
with food recognizes the food it is going to digest, despite its being bro-
ken up in the mouth, and sets itself to digesting it. Given these proper-
ties, enzyme molecules literally behave with intelligence. Of course an
inanimate molecule cannot really exhibit intelligence—the wisdom we
see in the functions that enzymes perform actually belongs to Almighty
Allah, Who creates them and places them at the service of living things.
When you eat a cooked food that has lost all its enzymes, the
whole job of digestion falls to those enzymes at
the ready in your body. The digestive or-
gans, the pancreas in particular, go into
extreme production mode to ensure
the digestion of food that has en-
tered the stomach by producing
large quantities of enzymes. And
this production may cause the
production rate of metabolic en-
zymes to fall.