Page 91 - The Miraculous Machine that Works for an Entire Lifetime: Enzyme
P. 91
Adnan Oktar
This means that insufficient production can be made for the organs to
function, renew themselves, and fight disease. Thus the body expends
on digesting foods the energy it should use for its own development
and defenses.
One of the first researchers into the importance of enzymes in hu-
man nutrition, Dr. Edward Howell, founder of the National Enzyme
Company, has said this:
They are the most precious asset we possess and we should welcome out-
side enzyme help. If we depend solely upon the enzymes we inherit, they
will be used up just like inherited money that is not supplemented by a
steady income. 58
By endowing foods with enzymes, Allah has bestowed a most im-
portant blessing on us. The way that these enzymes know what they
must do as soon as they enter the body, adapt to a mechanism that is
completely foreign to them and immediately begin to process the food
they need to digest is literally miraculous. These enzymes literally be-
have in a conscious manner and know that they should go into action
the moment the food is broken down. They neither destroy it by acting
prematurely, nor go into action hours after it has entered the mouth.
They begin working at just the right moment and conclude the whole
enterprise at great speed. With the help of these molecules, every fruit
you eat is turned into building blocks with which the body can renew
itself. Thus it is that your eyes continue to see, your legs to move and
your organs to function.
Remember, these unconscious molecules are entities created by
Allah and never go wrong because they act under His direction. They
act under the infinite intelligence of Allah and have bowed their heads
to Him. Allah tells us of this in another verse:
[Hud said,] "I have put my trust in Allah, my Lord and your Lord. There
is no creature He does not hold by the forelock. My Lord is on a
Straight Path." (Surah Hud: 56)