Page 177 - Islam and Buddhism
P. 177

Conclusion: Truth Has Come and Falsehood Has Vanished

                 Has he turned all the gods into One God? That is truly astonish-
                 ing!" Their leaders went off saying, "Carry on as you are! Hold fast

                 to your gods. This is clearly something planned. We have not
                 heard of this in the old religion. This is merely something con-
                 In this book, we invite Buddhists and all others who, for what-
             ever reason, feel sympathy with this superstitious religion to under-
             stand the truth that there is no god but God; and to accept that God is

             One and that there is no other. We invite them to come to Islam, the re-
             ligion of Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and the Prophet Muhammad (peace
             be upon them all). A person who perceives all his ancestors as believ-
             ing in a religion that associates other things with God—and who him-
             self associates them with God—may find it hard at first to make this
             decision. He may not understand how, after giving up all those pow-

             ers he once associated with God, he can worship Him alone. Be that as
             it may, the only One Who supports and feeds him at this moment; the
             only One watching over him and protecting him is God. The One Who
             gives him life and heals him when he is sick is God, Lord of all the
             Worlds, Who created this Earth according to a pre-ordained decree. As

             it says in the Qur'an (81: 29), human beings have submitted to the will
             of God, to the point where they have no power to will unless God
             wills, cannot act except by the will of God. As God says of Himself in
             the Qur'an (11: 56), "There is no creature He does not hold by the

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