Page 38 - The Creation Of The Universe
P. 38
cal value at which the universe will just
escape its own gravity and expand forev-
er. A little slower and the cosmos would
collapse, a little faster and the cosmic
material would have long ago complete-
ly dispersed. It is interesting to ask pre-
cisely how delicately the rate of expan-
sion has been "fine tuned" to fall on this
narrow dividing line between two cata-
strophes. If at time I S (by which the time
Paul Davies: "The evidence is
pattern of expansion was already firmly strong enough to acknowl-
established) the expansion rate had dif- edge the existence of a con-
scious cosmic design."
fered from its actual value by more than
10 , it would have been sufficient to
throw the delicate balance out. The explosive vigour of the universe is
thus matched with almost unbelievable accuracy to its gravitating pow-
er. The big bang was not evidently, any old bang, but an explo-
sion of exquisitely arranged magnitude. 19
Bilim Teknik (Science Technique, a Turkish scientific periodical) quotes
an article that appeared in Science in which the phenomenal equilibrium
that obtained in the initial phase of universe is stated:
If the density of the universe was a little bit more, in that case, accord-
ing to Einstein's relativity theory, the universe would not be expanding
due to the attraction forces of atomic particles but contracting, ulti-
mately diminishing to a spot. If the initial density had been a little bit
less, then the universe would rapidly be expanding, but in this case,
atomic particles would not be attracting each other and no stars and
no galaxies would ever have formed. Consequently, man would never
come into existence! According to the calculations, the difference be-
tween the initial real density of the universe and its critical density,
which is unlikely to occur, is less than one percent's one quadrillion.
This is similar to place a pencil in a position so that it can stand on its
sharp end even after one billion years… Furthermore, as the universe