Page 41 - The Creation Of The Universe
P. 41

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)                   39

               A comparison of those forces is enlightening for their values are stun-
            ningly different from one another. Below they are given in international
            standard units:
               Strong nuclear force:     15
               Weak nuclear force:       7.03 x 10 -3
               Electromagnetic force:    3.05 x 10 -12
               Gravitational force:      5.90 x 10 -39

               Notice how great are the differences in the strengths of these four fun-
            damental forces. The difference between the strongest (strong nuclear
            force) and the weakest (gravitational force) is about 25 followed by 38 ze-
            ros! Why should this be so?
               The molecular biologist Michael Denton addresses this question in his
            book, Nature's Destiny:
               If, for example, the gravitational force was a trillion times stronger,
               then the universe would be far smaller and its life history far shorter.
               An average star would have a mass a trillion times less than the sun
               and a life span of about one year. On the other hand, if gravity had
               been less powerful, no stars or galaxies would have ever formed. The
               other relationships and values are no less critical. If the strong force
               had been just slightly weaker, the only element that would be stable
               would be hydrogen. No other atoms
               could exist. If it had been slightly
               stronger in relation to electromagnetism,
               then an atomic nucleus consisting of
               only two protons would be a stable fea-
               ture of the universe–which would mean

             The molecular biologist Michael Denton address-
                  es an important point in his book, Nature's
                   Destiny: How the Laws of Biology Reveal
               Purpose in the Universe. According to Denton,
               the universe was specially created to make hu-
                                     man life possible.
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