Page 45 - The Creation Of The Universe
P. 45

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)                   43

               denary notation: it would be 1 followed by 10 123  successive 0's. Even if
               we were to write a 0 on each separate proton and on each separate
               neutron in the entire universe–and we could throw in all the other par-
               ticles for good measure–we should fall far short of writing down the fig-
               ure needed. 26
               The numbers defining the order and plan of the universe's equilibrium
            play a crucial role and exceed comprehension. They prove that the uni-
            verse is by no means the product of a coincidence, and show us "how pre-
            cise the Creator's aim must have been" as Penrose stated.
               In fact in order to recognize that the universe is not a "product of coin-
            cidences" one does not really need any of these calculations at all. Simply
            by looking around himself, a person can easily perceive the fact of Creation
            in even the tiniest details of what he sees. How could a universe like this,
            perfect in its systems, the Sun, the Earth, people, houses, cars, trees, flow-
            ers, insects, and all the other things in it ever have come into existence as
            the result of atoms falling together by chance after an explosion? Every de-
            tail we peer at shows the evidence of Creation and Allah's supreme pow-
            er. Only people who reflect can grasp these signs.
               In the Creation of the heavens and earth, and the alternation of
               the night and day, and the ships which sail the seas to people's
               benefit, and the water which Allah sends down from the sky–by
               which He brings the earth to life when it was dead and scatters
               about in it creatures of every kind–and the varying direction of
               the winds, and the clouds subservient between heaven and
               earth, there are signs for people who use their intellect. (Surat

               Seeing the Plain Truth
               20th-century science has come up with categorical evidence that the
            universe was created by Allah. The anthropic principle that we mentioned
            before reveals every detail of a universe that has been created for mankind
            to live in and in which there is no place for chance.
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