Page 49 - The Creation Of The Universe
P. 49
Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar) 47
An atheist, Greenstein disregards the plain truth; nevertheless he cannot
keep from wondering. Other, less prejudiced scientists on the other hand,
readily admit that the universe must have been specially created for
mankind to live in. The American astrophysicist Hugh Ross ends his article
"Design and the Anthropic Principle" with these words:
An intelligent, transcendent Creator must have brought the universe
into existence. An intelligent, transcendent Creator must have designed
the universe. An intelligent, transcendent Creator must have designed
planet Earth. An intelligent, transcendent Creator must have designed
life. 28
Thus science proves the reality of Creation. Certainly there is Allah and
He has created everything around us–the seen and the unseen. He is the
sole Creator of the extraordinary and outstanding equilibrium and order of
the heavens and earth.
It has come such a pass that today, materialism has the flavor of a su-
perstitious, unscientific system of belief. The American geneticist Robert
Griffiths jokingly remarked "If we need an atheist for a debate, I go to the
philosophy department. The physics department isn't much use." 29
To sum up: Every physical law and every physical constant in this uni-
verse has been specifically created to enable human beings to exist and
live. In his book The Cosmic Blueprint, Davies states this truth in the last
paragraph, "The impression of Design is overwhelming." 30
Doubtlessly, the order in the universe is evidence of Allah's power to
establish. The precise balances and all the human beings and other crea-
tures are among the evidence of Allah's supreme power and act of
Creation. This result discovered by today's science is just a reworking of a
truth revealed fourteen centuries ago in the Qur'an:
Your Lord is Allah, Who created the heavens and the earth in six
days and then settled Himself firmly on the Throne. He covers
the day with the night and, each pursuing the other urgently;
and the Sun and Moon and stars are subservient to His com-
mand. Both Creation and command belong to Him. Blessed be
Allah, the Lord of all worlds. (Surat al-A’raf: 54)