Page 53 - The Creation Of The Universe
P. 53
Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar) 51
electron (-)
proton (+)
all the elements, consisting of only one proton in its nucleus and one elec-
tron revolving around it.
Protons are subatomic particles that carry a positive electrical charge in
the nucleus of an atom. Helium, with two protons, occupies the second
place in the periodic table. Carbon has six protons and oxygen has eight.
All the elements differ in the number of protons that they contain.
Another particle present in the nucleus of an atom is the neutron. Unlike
protons, neutrons do not carry an electrical charge: they are neutral in oth-
er words, hence their name.
The third basic particle of which atoms are composed is the electron,
which has a negative electrical charge. In every atom, the number of pro-
tons and electrons is the same. Unlike protons and neutrons however, elec-
trons are not located in the nucleus. Instead, they move around the nucle-
us at a very high speed that keeps the positive and negative charges of the
atom apart.
The differences in atomic structure (the numbers of protons/electrons)