Page 57 - The Creation Of The Universe
P. 57

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)                   55

             The extraordinarily unstable isotope of    Normal beryllium as found on
              beryllium that is formed in red giants.             Earth.

            is added to this intermediary element to make a carbon atom with six pro-
            tons and six neutrons.
               The intermediary element is beryllium. Beryllium occurs naturally on

            Earth but the beryllium that occurs in red giants is different in a crucially
            important way: It consists of four protons and four neutrons, whereas ter-
            restrial beryllium has five neutrons. "Red-giant beryllium" is a slightly dif-
            ferent version. It's what's called an "isotope" in chemistry.
               Now comes the real surprise. The "red-giant" isotope beryllium turns out
            to be incredibly unstable. Scientists have studied this isotope for years and
            discovered that once it has formed,  it breaks down again in just
            0.000000000000001 second.
               How is this unstable beryllium isotope, which forms and disintegrates in
            such a short time, able to unite with a helium atom to become a carbon
            atom? It is like trying to lay a third brick on two other bricks that shoot
            away from each other in 0.000000000000001 second if they chance to come
            atop one another, and form a construction in this way. How does this
            process take place in red giants? Physicists scratched their heads over this
            puzzle for decades without coming up with an answer. The American as-
            trophysicist Edwin Salpeter finally discovered a clue to the mystery in the
            concept of "atomic resonance".
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