Page 61 - The Creation Of The Universe
P. 61
Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar) 59
A Lesser Alchemy Lab: The Sun
The conversion of helium into carbon described above is the alchemy
of red giants. In smaller stars like our Sun, a simpler sort of alchemy takes
place. The Sun converts hydrogen into helium and this reaction is the
source of its energy.
This reaction is no less essential for us to exist than are the reactions in
the red giants. Moreover, the Sun's nuclear reaction is also specially creat-
ed, just like the one in red giants.
Hydrogen, the input element for this reaction, is the simplest element in
the universe for its nucleus consists of a single proton. In a helium nucle-
us, there are two protons and two neutrons. The process taking place in
the Sun is the fusion of four hydrogen atoms into one helium atom.
An enormous amount of energy is released during this process. Nearly
Heat reaching
the surface is
radiated away
Heat passes through
the hydrogen layer to
the surface
Helium core
The Sun is a giant nuclear reactor that constantly transforms atoms of hydrogen in-
to helium and produces heat in the process. What is crucial to this process however
is the incredible precision with which these reactions are balanced within the Sun.
The slightest change in any of the forces governing these reactions would result in
their failure or in a catastrophic runaway explosion.