Page 65 - The Creation Of The Universe
P. 65
Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar) 63
the Sun and every other star like it would instantaneously explode. 41
The explosion of the Sun would cause the world and everything on it
to burst into flames, burning our blue planet to a crisp in a few seconds.
Because the strong nuclear force is precisely fine-tuned to be neither too
strong nor too weak, the Sun's nuclear reaction is slowed down and the
star has been able to radiate light and energy for billions of years. This pre-
cise tuning is what makes it possible for mankind to live. If there were even
the slightest deviation in this arrangement, the stars (including our Sun)
would not exist or if they did, they would explode in a short time.
In other words the structure of the Sun is neither accidental nor unin-
tentional. Quite the contrary: Allah has created the Sun for people to live,
as expressed in the verse:
The Sun and the Moon follow courses (exactly) computed.
(Surat ar-Rahman: 5)
Protons and Electrons
So far we have been examining matters concerned with forces that af-
fect atomic nuclei. There is another important equilibrium in the atom that
we must consider: the balance between its nucleus and electrons.
Put in its simplest terms, electrons revolve around the nucleus. The rea-
son for this is electrical charge. Electrons have a negative charge and pro-
tons have a positive charge. Opposite charges attract, so an atom's elec-
trons are drawn towards the nucleus. But the electrons are also moving at
an enormous speed which would, under normal conditions, cause them to
shoot away from the nucleus. These two forces (attraction and motion
away) are balanced so that the electrons move in orbits around the nu-
Atoms are also balanced in terms of their electric charges: the number
of orbiting electrons is the same as the number of protons in the nucle-
us. (For example, oxygen has eight protons and eight electrons.) In this
way the electrical force of an atom is balanced and the atom is electrically