Page 67 - The Creation Of The Universe
P. 67
Both the mass and the volume of
a proton are incomparably larger proton
than those of an electron but,
strangely enough, these two par-
ticles have equal (though oppo-
site) electrical charges. Because
of this fact, atoms are electrically
(-) Electron
like the Earth and the Sun require for their existence a yet more perfect
balance of one part in a billion billion. 42
Here is yet another precisely-tuned equilibrium that proves that the uni-
verse is created for a particular purpose. As John D. Barrow and Frank J.
Tipler maintain in their book "The Anthropic Cosmological Principle",
"there is a grand design in the Universe that favours the develop-
ment of intelligent life." 43
Of course every Creation proves the existence of a will that made it.
That is Almighty Allah, Lord of all the worlds, the Power Who created the
universe from nothingness, and fashioned it as He willed. As stated in the
Qur'an, "He built the heaven, He raised its vault high and made it lev-
el." (Surat an-Nazi'at: 27-28)
By means of the extraordinary balances that we have seen in this chap-
ter, matter is able to remain stable and this stability is evidence of the per-
fection of Allah's Creation as revealed in the Qur'an:
Among His signs is that heaven and earth hold firm by His com-
mand. (Surat ar-Rum: 25)