Page 74 - The Creation Of The Universe
P. 74
so very different. The fundamental physical processes occurring within
stars, nebulas, and the like would have proceeded unchanged. The ap-
pearance of our galaxy as seen from some far-distant vantage point
would have been the same. About the only difference would have been
the view of the night time sky from the grass on which I lie, which
would have been yet richer with stars. And oh, yes–one more small
change: There would have been no me to do the viewing…All that
waster space! On the other hand, in this very waste lies our safety. 46
Greenstein also explains the reason for this. In his view, the huge dis-
tances in space makes it possible for certain physical variables to be
arranged so as to be exactly suitable for human life. He also notes the im-
portance of this huge space in allowing Earth to exist while minimizing the
risk of collision with other stars.
In short, the distribution of celestial bodies in space is exactly what it
must be for human life to exist on our planet. These huge spaces are the
outcome of a special Creation and not a result of coincidence.
Entropy and Order
In order to understand the concept of order in the universe, we need
first to talk about the Second Law of Thermodynamics, one of the funda-
mental universal physical laws.
This law states that, left to themselves, organized systems will become
unstable and less organized as time advances. This law is also called the
Law of Entropy. In physics, entropy is the amount of disorder in a system.
The transition of a system from a stable condition into an unstable condi-
tion is the same as an increase in its entropy. The instability is directly re-
lated to the entropy of that system.
This is commonplace knowledge, many examples of which we may ob-
serve in our daily lives. If you abandon a car in some exposed place for a
year or even a couple of months, you certainly wouldn't expect it be in just
as good condition as you left it when you return. You'll probably notice flat
tires, broken windows, corroded parts in the engine and body, etc.