Page 75 - The Creation Of The Universe
P. 75
Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)
Similarly if you neglect to
straighten up your house for a
few days and you‘ll immedi-
ately see it getting dustier and
more disorganized as time
goes by. This is a kind of en-
tropy; however you can undo
it by cleaning and picking
things up and by taking out
the trash.
The Second Law of An abandoned car deteriorates and
falls apart. Everything in the universe
Thermodynamics is widely accepted as
is subject to entropy: the law says
valid and binding. Einstein, the most im- that, left to itself, everything becomes
portant scientist of our century, said that less stable and less organized with the
passage of time.
this law was the "first law of all sciences".
The American scientist Jeremy Rifkin com-
ments in Entropy: A New World View:
The Entropy Law will preside as the ruling paradigm over the next pe-
riod of history. Albert Einstein said that it is the premier law of all
science: Sir Arthur Eddington referred to it as the supreme meta-
physical law of the entire universe. 47
It is important to note that the Law of Entropy by itself renders many of
the claims of materialism invalid right from the start. For if there is a defi-
nite order in the universe, the law holds that, in the course of time, this sit-
uation will be undone by the universe itself. There are two conclusions to
be reached from this observation:
1) Left to itself, the universe cannot exist for eternity. The second law
says that without external intervention of some sort, entropy will eventual-
ly be maximized throughout the universe causing it to assume a complete-
ly homogenous state.
2) The claim that the order we observe is not the result of external in-
tervention is also invalid. Immediately after the Big Bang, the universe was
in precisely such a completely disorganized state as would exist if entropy