Page 88 - The Creation Of The Universe
P. 88

86                  THE CREATION OF THE UNIVERSE

              centuries. It is big enough to swallow up a couple of planets the size of
              Earth whole. Jupiter may be a visually thrilling planet, but it's no home for
              people, who would be killed instantly by its freezing temperatures, violent
              winds, and intense radiation.
                 Then comes Mars. The atmosphere of Mars cannot sustain human life
              because it is mostly carbon dioxide. The surface is everywhere pocked with
              craters: the result of eons of meteor impacts and strong winds blowing
              across the surface that can raise sandstorms that last for days or weeks at
              a time. The temperature varies rather much but drops as low as -53°C.
              There has been much speculation that Mars might harbor life, but all the
              evidence shows that this is a lifeless world too.
                 Speeding away from Mars and heading toward the Sun, we notice a blue
              planet that we decide to skip for the time being while we explore some
              more. Our search brings us to a planet called Venus. This planet is every-
              where shrouded in brilliant white clouds but the temperature at the surface
              is 450°C, which is enough to cause lead to melt. The atmosphere is com-
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