Page 93 - The Creation Of The Universe
P. 93

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)                   91

               Consequently if life is going to exist on any planet anywhere in the uni-
            verse it is going to have to be carbon-based. 56
               There are a number of conditions that are absolutely essential in order
            for carbon-based life to exist. For example, carbon-based organic com-
            pounds (like proteins) can exist only within a certain range of tempera-
            tures. They start to dissociate over 120°C and are irrecoverably damaged if
            they are frozen below -20°C. But it is not only temperature that plays a vi-
            tal role in determining the allowable limits of suitable conditions for car-
            bon-based life to exist: so too do the type and amount of light, the strength
            of gravity, the composition of the atmosphere, and the strength of the mag-
            netic field. Earth provides precisely such conditions as are needed to make
            life possible. If even one of conditions were to be changed, if average tem-
            peratures surpassed 120°C for example, there would be no life on Earth.
               Therefore our little green creatures who might work up a slight sweat
            when the temperature soars to 238°C, who breathe helium instead of oxy-
            gen, and who drink sulfuric acid instead of water are not going to exist any-
            where because carbon-based life-forms cannot survive under such condi-
            tions and carbon-based life-forms are the only kind there is. Life can only
            exist in an environment within limits and under conditions that are spe-
            cially created for life. That is true of life in general and of human beings in
               Earth is a planet which Allah created as a hospitable environment for

               The Temperature of the World
               Temperature and atmosphere are the first essential factors for life on
            Earth. The Blue Planet has both a temperature that is livable and an at-
            mosphere that is breathable for living things, especially for such complex
            living things as human beings. These two extremely different factors how-
            ever have come into being as a result of conditions that turn out to be ide-
            al for both.
               One of these is the distance between the Earth and the Sun. Earth could
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