Page 40 - The Cambrian Evidence that Darwin Failed to Comprehend
P. 40
The Cambrian Evidence That Darwin Failed to Comprehend
cells were now specialized, with each performing its own separate
functions. However, these organisms still had no comprehensive in-
ternal structures, nervous systems or muscle fibers. In other words,
they were very different from the later Cambrian life forms.
The Cambrian fossil record has revealed the characteristics of
an enormous variety of living things, all appearing suddenly and in-
dependently of one another. And these are not the descendents of
the organisms described above!
The California University evolutionist biologist James W.
Valentine makes this confession:
The fossil record is of little use in providing direct evidence of the
pathways of descent of the phyla or of invertebrate classes. Each phy-
lum with a fossil record had already evolved its characteristic body
plan when it first appeared, so far as we can tell from the fossil re-
mains. And no phylum is connected to any other via intermediate
fossil types [emphasis added]. Indeed, none of the invertebrate classes
can be connected with another class by a series of intermediates. The
relationships among phyla and classes must be inferred on the basis
of their resemblance. However, even the most sophisticated tech-
niques of phylogeny analysis have thus far failed to resolve the great
differences of opinion concerning the relationships among phyla (or
among many classes as well). 14
Valentine admits that the fossil record constitutes no evidence
for evolution, and that living things emerged suddenly wherever on
Earth they may be found. To put it another way, he—and other ex-
perts—are forced to admit that no evolution took place in the ages
preceding the Cambrian. Instead of imaginary pre-Cambrian inter-
mediate-form fossils, we encounter an increasing number of com-
plex Cambrian organisms. This fact prompted Bruce Runnegar, the
California University evolutionist and professor of paleontology, to
make this admission: