Page 42 - The Cambrian Evidence that Darwin Failed to Comprehend
P. 42

The Cambrian Evidence That Darwin Failed to Comprehend

                                    As might be expected, the paleontologists have concen-
                                       trated on the fossil record and have therefore pro-
                                         vided wealth of information on the early history
                                          of a great variety of invertebrate groups, but lit-
                                           tle insight into their origins. 15

                                                The fossil record is the sole founda-
                                           tion on which the theory of evolution re-
                                           lies. However, the fossil record’s very suf-
                                           ficiency—the fact that a large part of the
                                         Earth’s strata have been excavated—is
                                        enough to make it abundantly clear that liv-
                   Bruce Runnegar    ing things never underwent evolution. No evo-
                   lutionary process ever took place.
                        Statements by evolutionists to the effect that “the fossil record
                   is sufficient and no intermediate form has yet been encountered” are
                   actually a simple admission that there’s not the slightest evidence to
                   support the theory of evolution.
                        This fact makes the existence of Almighty Allah, His creative
                   artistry and infinite power, abundantly clear. Living things, with all
                   their astonishing attributes, are created by Allah’s will, at whatever
                   moment He chooses.
                        Yes, everything in the heavens and Earth belongs to Allah. Yes,
                        Allah’s promise is true but most of them do not know it. He gives
                        life and causes to die and you will be returned to Him. (Surah
                        Yunus, 55-56)

                        The Pre-Cambrian Earth
                        Cambrian rocks no older than 550 My contained the earliest animal
                        fossil record—arthropods, mollusks, brachiopods, and others.
                        Below them there were no animal fossils [emphasis added]. Darwin
                        himself conceded that his theory of evolution by natural selection re-

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