Page 49 - The Cambrian Evidence that Darwin Failed to Comprehend
P. 49
In fact, it’s surprising that Eldredge or any other scientist should
offer such an explanation! That is because according to their scenario,
no matter what the origin of shelled Cambrian life forms, still they must
have possessed a complex structure, rather than being soft-bodied.
Moreover, this account is nothing more than a deception, because
a good many fossils of single-celled organisms of the pre-Cambrian
have survived, and many such specimens are available to researchers.
Moreover, of those Cambrian life forms in the fossil record a large part
of the soft tissues, including nervous systems, have survived. Right
from the outset, therefore, pre-Cambrian and Cambrian rocks invali-
date the fictitious claim that soft-bodied intermediate forms left no fos-
sil traces behind them.
Indeed, Eldredge felt the need to make the following admission:
There is still a tremendous problem with the sudden diversification of
multicellular life. There is no question about that. That’s a real phe-
nomenon. 20
There are no intermediate forms in the fos-
sil record. Crocodiles have left traces of
themselves as crocodiles, squirrels as
squirrels, and rabbits as rabbits.
This also applies to the Cambrian
Period, when evolutionists imag-
ine the fictitious ancestors of
all living things emerged. Yet
in the fossil record, living
things appear suddenly, with
no intermediate character-
istics with no ancestors
preceding them, all in
their full complex