Page 53 - The Cambrian Evidence that Darwin Failed to Comprehend
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find fossils of the transitional forms between those organisms and
the complex invertebrates. Many billions times billions of the in-
termediates would have lived and died during the vast stretch of
time required for the evolution of such a diversity of complex or-
ganisms. The world’s museums should be bursting at the seams
with enormous collections of the fossils of transitional forms. As a
matter of fact, not a single such fossil has ever been found! Right
from the start, jellyfish have been jellyfish, trilobites have been
trilobites, sponges have been sponges, and snails have been snails.
Furthermore, not a single fossil has been found linking, say, clams
and snails, sponges and jellyfish, or trilobites and crabs… 23
(Duane T. Gish, Ph.D. in Biochemistry from University of
California at Berkeley)
Ediacaran fauna represents multi-celled organisms that lived in
the pre-Cambrian, between 620 and 543 million years ago. Fossils dis-
covered on the Ediacara hills in Australia, and dating back some 600
million years to the late pre-Cambrian, were regarded as a ray of hope
for evolutionists who had failed to obtain any results from previous ex-
cavations. Evolutionists sought to interpret the variety observed in mul-
ti-celled Ediacaran organisms as an evolutionary process that extended
to Cambrian life forms.
Modern evolutionist scientists claimed that these fossils could be
used to account for the Cambrian Period, and they came up with vari-
ous theories. However, none of the efforts they made along these lines
could be proven with any scientific findings, and remained hollow.
The fossils discovered in 1946 by the Australian geologist Reginald
Spriggs in the Ediacara Hills in Australia’s Flinders Mountains dated
back 580 to 560 million years. Scientists gave the name “Ediacaran” to
this geological period preceding the Paleozoic. Some multi-celled
Ediacaran organisms that appeared suddenly during this period were
regarded with great excitement as intermediate forms by evolutionist
scientists. Because of these fossils’ proximity in time to the Cambrian
Adnan Oktar