Page 58 - The Cambrian Evidence that Darwin Failed to Comprehend
P. 58
The Cambrian Evidence That Darwin Failed to Comprehend
without intermediates connecting one form to another,” says evolu-
tionist Douglas Futuyma, New York University’s professor of evolu-
tionary biology.
Ediacaran life forms were interesting creatures with very different
characteristics from those that came both before and after them.
Dickinsonia, around half a meter in length, Palaeophragmodictya, a
sponge-like organism with a flattened appearance, and Aspidella, with
small cavities on its surface, were just a few of the Ediacaran life forms.
Some of these bore no resemblance to any creatures living today. A few,
however, had similar features to present-day jellyfish, starfish, sponges
and crinoids.
The emergence of these unusual-looking creatures opened a wide
divergence of opinion among evolutionists. The Cambridge University
evolutionist Simon Conway-Morris said, “The problem is that the same
fossils are interpreted in completely different ways by different peo-
ple.” 29
However, subsequent discoveries made in Russia confirmed
Examples of Ediacaran life forms:
Far left: Dickinsonia
Bottom left and drawing on left:
Drawing on bottom right and the fos-
sil beside it: Spriggnia