Page 64 - The Cambrian Evidence that Darwin Failed to Comprehend
P. 64

The Cambrian Evidence That Darwin Failed to Comprehend

                   evidence, and have embarked on enterprises that could never produce
                   any results.
                        Moreover, evolutionists who had spent a century and a half toiling
                   to resolve the origin of Cambrian life forms now needed to account for
                   the origin of the many complex forms that had emerged in the
                   Ediacaran. All the strata they excavated with such high hopes—and all
                   the fossils they found—produced evidence that constantly worked
                   against them.
                        The Russian paleontologist Mikhail Fedonkin, head of the
                   Moscow Paleontology Institute Precambrian Organisms Laboratory,
                   said this on the subject:
                        We are now in the situation Charles Darwin found himself in about
                        150 years ago. He was puzzled by the absence of the ancestors of the
                        Cambrian invertebrates, considering this fact as a strong argument
                        against his theory of gradualistic evolution of species. We do not
                        know the ancestors of the Vendian [Ediacaran] fauna as well, and like
                        the Cambrian biota, it appeared suddenly in a “complete state.” 40
                        What evolutionists refuse to understand is that living things feel
                   no need to assume a completed state at the end of any particular process,
                   because they were created in a single moment, with their special bodi-
                   ly structures, perfect metabolic systems, flawless functions and genetic
                   compatibility bestowed upon them. Almighty Allah, Who created them
                   with His infinite knowledge and intelligence, possesses a sublime crea-
                   tive artistry that produces infinite beauties. It is enough for Allah to so
                   wish it for a being to come into existence. All things in heaven and Earth
                   belong to Allah, and it is an easy matter for Him—Who created the uni-
                   verse, the planets and human beings, and Who constantly produces de-
                   lights and blessings for us—to create all of them.

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