Page 52 - Timelessness and the Reality of Fate
P. 52
All the things we see in our lives at objects, it is the interpre-
are formed in a part of our brain tation of our brain which
called the "vision center", which gives an idea of their size
is only a few cubic centimetres in since, for obvious pysical
size. Both the book you are now reasons, the images
reading and the boundless land- formed of them in the cen-
scape you see when you gaze at tre of vision cannot be on
the horizon fit into this tiny space. the same scale as the
That is to say that when we look objects themselves.
fruit is nothing but the interpretation of electrical signals by the brain.
Another point to be considered is the sense of distance. Take, for
example, the distance between you and this book. It is only a feeling of
emptiness formed in your brain. Objects that seem to be distant to the
human being likewise exist in the brain. For instance, someone who watch-
es the stars in the sky assumes that they are millions of light-years away
from him. Yet what he "sees" are really the stars inside himself, in his centre
of vision. While you read these lines, you are, in fact, not inside the room
you assume you are in; on the contrary, the room is inside you. Your seeing
your body makes you think that you are inside it. However, you must
remember that you have never seen your original body, either; you have
always seen a copy of it formed inside your brain.
The same applies to all your other perceptions. For instance, when you
think that you hear the sound of the television in the next room, you are
actually experiencing the sound inside your brain. Both the sound you
imagine to be coming from metres away and the conversation of a person
right next to you are perceived in a centre of hearing measuring a few cubic
centimetres inside your brain. Within this centre of perception, no concept