Page 54 - Timelessness and the Reality of Fate
P. 54
trees. The external world depends entirely on the perceiver.
Even a slightest defect in the retina of the eye causes colour blindness.
Some people perceive blue as green, and some red as blue. In these cases, it
does not matter whether the object outside is coloured or not.
The World of Senses Can Occur Without
Outside World's Existence
One factor which reveals that everything we see and experience exists
in our brain and that we can never know the original of the matter that
exists outside is that we do not need an outside world for senses to occur in
the brain. Many technological developments such as simulators and also
dreams are the most important evidences of this truth.
Science writer, Rita Carter, states in her book, Mapping The Mind, that
"there's no need for eyes to see" and describes at length an experiment car-
ried out by scientists. In the experiment, blind patients were fitted with a
device that transformed video pictures into vibrating pulses. A camera
As a result of artificial stimulations, a physical world as true and realistic as the
real one can be formed in our brain. Thus, a person may think that he is flying
an airplane, while he is actually sitting at home.