Page 60 - Timelessness and the Reality of Fate
P. 60


                 The Real Absolute Being
                 All these facts bring us face to face with a very significant question.
            Since we can never know anything about the original of the material world
            and since we only have direct experience of replica images in our brains,
            then what is the source of these images?
                 So, who makes our soul watch the stars, the earth, the people, our
            body and all else that we see?
                 It is very evident that there exists a supreme Creator, Who has created
            the entire material universe and Who continues His creation ceaselessly.
            Since this Creator displays such a magnificent creation, He surely has eter-
            nal power and might.
                 This Creator introduces Himself to us. He has sent down a book and
            through this book has described Himself, and the universe and has
            explained the reason for our existence.
                 This Creator is Allah and the name of His Book is the Qur'an.
                 The fact that the universe, the heavens and the earth, are not stable,
            that their presence is only made possible by Allah's creation and that they
            will disappear when He ends this creation, is all explained as follows:

                 It is Allah Who sustains the heavens and the earth, lest they cease (to func-
                 tion): and if they should fail, there is none – not one – who can sustain
                 them thereafter: Truly, He is Most Forbearing and Oft-Forgiving. (Surah
                 Fatir, 41)
                 As we mentioned at the beginning, some people have no genuine
            understanding of Allah and so, as a result of terrible ignorance, they imag-
            ine Him as a being present somewhere in the heavens and not really inter-
            vening in worldly affairs. (Surely Allah is beyond that.) The basis of this cor-
            rupt logic actually lies in the mistaken thought that the universe is merely
            an assembly of matter and Allah is "outside" this material world, in a far-
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