Page 61 - Timelessness and the Reality of Fate
P. 61
The Secret Beyond Matter 59
away place. (Surely Allah is beyond that.)
The only real absolute being is Allah. That means that only Allah exists;
matter is not absolute being. The material world on the outside is one of
the works of Allah's sublime creation. Allah is surely "everywhere" and
encompasses all. This reality is explained in the Qur'an as follows;
Allah! There is no god but He,-the Living, the Self-subsisting, Eternal. Nei-
ther slumber nor sleep can overtake Him. His are all things in the heavens
and on earth. Who can intercede in His presence except as He permits? He
knows what (appears to His creatures as) before or after or behind them.
Nor shall man grasp anything of His knowledge except as He wills. His
Throne extends over the heavens and the earth, and He feels no fatigue in
guarding and preserving them, for He is the Most High, and the Supreme
(in glory). (Surat al-Baqara, 255)
The facts that Allah is not bound by space and that He encompasses
everything are stated in another verse as follows:
To Allah belong the east and the West: Wherever you turn, there is the
presence of Allah. For Allah is all-Pervading, and all-Knowing. (Surat al-
Baqara, 115)
The fullness of faith consists of understanding this truth, avoiding the
mistake of associating others with Allah and acknowledging Allah as the
One Absolute Being. Someone who knows that, apart from Allah, every-
thing is a shadow existence, will say with certain faith (at the level of Haqq-
al yakin - truth of certainty) that only Allah exists and there is no other deity
(or any being with strength) besides Him.
The materialists do not believe in the existence of Allah, because they
cannot see Him with their eyes. But their claims are completely invalidated
when they learn the real nature of matter. Someone who learns this truth
understands that his own existence has the quality of an
illusion, and grasps that a being which
is an illusion will not be